Monthly Archives: September 2008 challenge: robots in history
Error: No Such Username – StumbleUpon
Please give a warm Stumbleupon welcome to GaryVoyles. A septuagenarian whose hobbies include doing nothing in coffeeshops and jumping out of airplanes.
From the page:
“Teenager Chased Beaten And Stabbed To Death”
“Rejected Clubber Stabs Two Bouncers”
“Grenade Attack Kills Seven”
“Cop Gets Viciously Beaten By a Suspect”
Sicko voyeurism including snuff movies.
That’s what you get in the name of entertainment.
This site isn’t showing ‘the greatest Beer Ad ever as it’s first video anymore…move on
ZZToolss favorite websites – StumbleUpon
Mickey Mouse must die, says Saudi Arabian cleric – Telegraph
Last month Mr Munajid also condemned the Beijing Olympics as the “bikini Olympics”, claiming that nothing made Satan happier than seeing females athletes dressed in skimpy outfits.
boyafraids favorite websites – StumbleUpon
Papilio machaon edi | Flickr – Photo Sharing!
“I dreamt about you last night,
And I fell out of bed twice…“
CERN – The Large Hadron Collider
A breakthrough in Physics?
or, as Eccentrica Gallumbits would put it…
“The Best Bang since the Big One ” ?