By Nolligan at 2007-07-14
Nolligan Nino crosses the finish line in the Great Snail Race, Second Life July 14th 2007.
From Huron to Noyo along the roads of Second Life we ran.
Running for charity and cutting a comic image that made loads of people laugh out loud as around a dozen enormous snails jostled for position, nudging and bumping into each other.
Even though it was hellish competitive, I could not resist the urge to ‘slime’, or rather ‘bump’ people who were standing in the road.
It was also encouraging to hear residents shouting my name and urging me to run faster. My favourite comment was:
“Look at those Escargot!”
…and on the positive side I did raise a small amount for cancer relief.
Many thanks to my SL friend RacerX Gullwing for the being the host and to all the many others who helped organise the event.
BTW I came third, not bad considering I started at the back.
For more pics see: