Today, I has mostly been eating…

13 years ago

煎饼果子 (jian1 bing3 guo3zi) With quite a long history, "jian bing guo zi" is something quite unique to Tianjin. It…

How to drink vodka…

13 years ago "Russian starters, or zakusky, include pickled and fresh vegetables, baked potatoes, bread, cheese, salted fish and other readily available…

Chipping Norton Invitation Aunt Sally League

13 years ago Aunt Sally is a traditional Cotswolds/Oxfordshire summer game, still played in many pubs in the area. The dolly (a…

Fire! , 着火了!, огонь!

13 years ago

As I was surfing the web last night I casually asked my wife if she could smell burning plastic. She…

Header pictures

13 years ago

So far I've added seven 'Header Pictures' all taken by me on my travels: Enjoy!

Life after the Stumble Button

13 years ago

  The StumbleUpon blog has been exported and uploaded, tweaking is occuring, friends, followers and fans are being notified. Groups…

Apocalypse now – The doors – The end

13 years ago

  This is the end,Beautiful friend,This is the endMy only friend, the end Of our elaborate plans, the endOf everything…

Account Changes FAQ

13 years ago "Member since Jul 31, 2004."   So this is it. The End. The finish - they think it's all…

The Battle of Britain – Home Page

13 years ago Battle of Britain Day - September 15th From the (original) page: Even though it appeared that Fighter Command was…

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