Happy Moon Festival

14 years ago



14 years ago

Source: Daily Telegraph A Pastafarian wins religious freedom right to wear pasta strainer for driving licence - Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/8635624/Pastafarian-wins-religious-freedom-right-to-wear-pasta-strainer-for-driving-licence.html "An…

US anti-piracy body targets foreign website owners for extradition | Technology | The Guardian

14 years ago

http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/jul/03/us-anti-piracy-extradition-prosecution The 'monopoly capitalists' and their aggression are sowing a whirlwind with their unequal treaties, Mao's words today have a…

Most Jamaicans believe UK rule better

14 years ago

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/centralamericaandthecaribbean/jamaica/8607495/Most-Jamaicans-believe-UK-rule-better-according-to-poll.html ...according to a poll - Telegraph Most Jamaicans believe UK rule better according to poll - Telegraph Maybe we…

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, its Superman and friends painted on Soviet statue by the Banksy of Bulgaria | Mail Online

14 years ago

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2004814/Is-bird-Is-plane-No-Superman-friends-painted-Soviet-statue-Banksy-Bulgaria.html 'Moving with the times' Socialist Realism updated in Bulgaria

How to deactivate your Facebook account | Technology | The Guardian

14 years ago

http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/jun/14/how-deactivate-facebook-account Remember chidren once you sign up to Faceache: You cannot delete your account FB owns all the data -…

Queens Birthday Honours 2011: list in full – Telegraph

14 years ago

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/honours-list/8569793/Queens-Birthday-Honours-2011-list-in-full.html Her Majesty has awarded Tim Brooke-Taylor, Dr Graham Garden and Bill Oddie OBE's which must now stand for the…

Magazine – “Model Worker” (Live)

14 years ago

... a song full of moral fibre. 'I have been indulging In ostentatious display, Doing little more than eat Three…

Tests top batting averages | Trotts test average second only to Bradman

14 years ago

http://cricket.oneindia.in/news/2011/05/31/trotts-test-average-second-only-to-bradman-aid0110.html Trott's Test average second only to Bradman!

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