18 years ago

Uncle Nolli's Astro-Tarot-Feng Shui Horoscopes This week: ARIES 21 March-2O April Fruit looks set to play a key part in…

runtimes favorite websites – StumbleUpon

18 years ago

http://runtime.stumbleupon.com/ Runtime's blog has an interesting mix of stumbles and is well worth visiting. Also check out his Flickr site:…

The Official Site of Dudley Moore

18 years ago

http://dudleymoore.com/ Dudley Moore: Are you allergic to compassion? Peter Cook: Only in suppository form. Image from Peter Cook fansite which…

18 years ago

http://www.badmintonstamps.com/images/titanic.jpg "How was I supposed to know it was going to sink? It didn't say please get off at the…

The World of Stanley Unwin

18 years ago

http://www.stanleyunwin.com/ "Hi hoand a jolly welcodeto all you surfwide'n interwebber lopers.Here beholdy manifold thingsStanley Unwinmost- all deep joyand thorkusfor great…

Scotstamps: Postage Stamps and Philatelic Items of Great Britain the British Commonwealth and Empire

18 years ago

http://www.scotstamps.co.uk/ "I've been dreaming of a time when To be English is not to be baneful To be standing by…

acatts favorite websites – StumbleUpon

18 years ago

http://acatt.stumbleupon.com/ The place for Nautilodea, , Ammonoidea, Coleoidea, Sepioidea, Teuthoidea, Vampyromorpha, Octopoda and collections of cephalopod related images. Who needs…

Untitled Document

18 years ago

http://www.neilinnes.org/ A wonderful site of Neil Innes music, lyrics and information. Most of the songs, including many from the marvellous…


18 years ago

http://www.dianamystery.com/ ...psst and I have it on very good authority that Morrissey also predicted 9/11. Barking

18 years ago

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