18 years ago

See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/10_Downing_Street & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cash_for_honours


18 years ago

http://www.dirtflake.com/ Humor as it should be - slightly warped.

18 years ago

7X7s reviews – StumbleUpon

18 years ago

http://7x7.stumbleupon.com/ Quality Counts, and it show itself here.

18 years ago

Uncle Nolli's Astro-Tarot-Feng Shui Horoscopes This week: AQUARIUS 22 January-19 February Another Aquarian phase almost over for the year. And…

Intellect Technology Association

18 years ago

http://www.intellectuk.org/With their snouts firmly in the trough of "New" Labour's "Big Brother' ID Card scheme "intellect" the trade association for…

Klassys favorite websites – StumbleUpon

18 years ago

http://klassy.stumbleupon.com/ "Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with…

18 years ago

/ Congratulations to Clogiron http://clogiron.stumbleupon.com/ and the Mason's Arms Ladies Arm Wrestling Team for lifting the All Yorkshire Theakston's Old…

Account Suspended

18 years ago

http://www.markbrill.com/ "Mr Flibble is VERY cross."

18 years ago

"The development of a child's emotional health depends upon parental love: Children should neither be spoilt nor deprived of love.…

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