Klassys reviews – StumbleUpon


From the page:

I think.
I think that.
I think that (it).
I think that it is.
I think that it is safe.
I think that It is safe to(o).
I think that it is safe to assume.
I think that it is safe to assume that.
I think that it is safe to assume that you.
I think that it is safe to assume that you should.
I think that it is safe to assume that you should not.
I think that it is safe to assume that you should not assume.
I think that it is safe to assume that you should not assume you.
I think that it is safe to assume that you should not assume you are.
I think that it is safe to assume that you should not assume you are safe.
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I think that.
I think.

The original looks better!

“There’s an old story about the person who wished his computer were as easy to use as his telephone.

That wish has come true, since I no longer know how to use my telephone.”

Bjarne Stroustrup– creator of the computer programming language C++


As another reviewer said…

“I was like – Oh no, another in the line of SL machinima about building something.
La la la.
Just really well editing.
La la la.
But wouldn’t it be cool if something totally unexpected happened, that gave meaning to all of this building, something magical…

and then it did. And I was totally blown away.”

You can find links to higher quality versions here:


Many thanks to Invent http://invent.stumbleupon.com/
for finding this little gem.

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By Nolligan at 2007-07-14
Nolligan Nino crosses the finish line in the Great Snail Race, Second Life July 14th 2007.

From Huron to Noyo along the roads of Second Life we ran.

Running for charity and cutting a comic image that made loads of people laugh out loud as around a dozen enormous snails jostled for position, nudging and bumping into each other.

Even though it was hellish competitive, I could not resist the urge to ‘slime’, or rather ‘bump’ people who were standing in the road.

It was also encouraging to hear residents shouting my name and urging me to run faster. My favourite comment was:

“Look at those Escargot!”

…and on the positive side I did raise a small amount for cancer relief.

Many thanks to my SL friend RacerX Gullwing for the being the host and to all the many others who helped organise the event.

BTW I came third, not bad considering I started at the back.

For more pics see:



As published in a factual article by:

Ecky-Thump Master Dan Cruickshank demonstrates his skill,
pictured at Rawtenstall Effluence Treatment Centre,

Ecky-Thump (pronounced ehk-ee thoooomp) is an ancient and traditional martial art originating from Lancaster, Lancashire in Northern England.

“Similar but superior to Kung Fu in many respects, it utilizes long, fierce-looking Black Puddings in place of more inferior Eastern weaponry.

Practitioners of the martial art are easily distinguished through their ritualistic flat caps and accompanying whippets.

Learned Historians and fans of sausage generally agree that Ecky-Thump began to take form in 1611, in response to the need for townsfolk to defend themselves against the Lancashire witches said to live in Pendle Forest.

Recent speculation has linked its development in part to the related martial art form of Ken Do’dd.

Master-Li http://master-li.stumbleupon.com/ is considered by many to be a deft exponent of this northern martial art. His pudding collection is rumoured to be one of the finest this side of the Pennines.

“Mighty is the word of the Master.”


“Adopted on 4 July 1776, the Declaration of Independence reflects the issue at the centre of American Revolution: spelling reforms visited on the colonies by the British crown.

The Congress were determined that their language would not be standardised by a distant king using language different to theirs.

A young representative from the Connecticut delegation, Noah Webster, was responsible for inserting deliberate misspellings – such as ‘facred Hono[u]r’ – to signal the new country’s defiance of Samuel Johnson.

Other grievances against the evil King George W listed in the original text include:

* He hath Infulted uf repeatedly.
* He hath Degraded our humble Dignity.
* He hath Terrorized uf for no apparent reafon.
* He hath otherwife Fcared the Living Fhit out of uf guyf.
* He hath ordered Pizza and other Delicacief anonymoufly and without our Permiffion, forcing uf to pick up the Tab. “

A Shropshire Lad


Alfred Edward Housman, A Shropshire Lad. 1887

“To skies that knit their heartstrings right,
To fields that bred them brave,
The saviours come not home to-night:
Themselves they could not save.

It dawns in Asia, tombstones show
And Shropshire names are read;
And the Nile spills his overflow
Beside the Severn’s dead.

We pledge in peace by farm and town
The Queen they served in war,
And fire the beacons up and down
The land they perished for.

“God save the Queen” we living sing,
From height to height ’tis heard;
And with the rest your voices ring,
Lads of the Fifty-third.

Oh, God will save her, fear you not:
Be you the men you’ve been,
Get you the sons your fathers got,
And God will save the Queen.”

Don Croners World Wide Wanders Part 2: China | Inner Mongolia | Shangdu | Xanadu


Xanadu by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

“In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree:
Where Alph, the sacred river ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.
So twice five miles of fertile ground
With walls and towers were girdled round:
And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills,
Where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree;
And here were forests ancient as the hills,
Enfolding sunny spots of greenery. “

Xanadu, also called Zanadu, Shangdu or Shang-tu (Chinese: 上都; Hanyu Pinyin: Sh

Sculpted prim – Second Life Wiki


From the page:
“A Sculpted Prim is a prim whose shape is determined by a texture. These textures are called Sculpt Textures or Sculpt Maps.

You can use sculpted prims to create more complex, organic shapes that are not currently possible with Second Life’s prim system.”

To create them you’ll need a 3D program like Blender:

Uncle Nolli’s Astro-Tarot-Feng Shui Horoscopes Column:

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This week:

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Relentless robotic focus on technological imperatives has turned you into an asocial automaton; you’re having difficulty passing the Turing test, even with your family and loved ones.
Time to gather up what remains of your disintegrating humanity and explore your nonlinear side:

Train a cat to fetch,
attempt telepathic contact with giant koi,
try to find the hidden Christian messages in Marilyn Manson CDs.