“In 1775, George Washington took command of a ragbag army of American insurgents and took on the might of the British Army. Through a brilliant campaign of ambush and indirect attacks, he finally succeeded in defeating the greatest military power in the world, and won America its independence.

Today it is the USA that is the world’s dominant superpower. When they entered Iraq in 2003 they made the same mistakes that the British made over 200 years ago: they underestimated the popular hostility against them, and believed they could fight a widespread insurgence using troops trained for conventional warfare. They are beginning to learn, as the British did, that sheer military power is not enough.

As a former Director of UK Special Forces and Commander of the United Nations Protection Force in Bosnia, Michael Rose is uniquely experienced in counter-insurgency warfare.

In this hard-hitting book he explains the principles of guerrilla warfare as used in the American War of Independence, and shows how those same principles have been adopted by the insurgents in Iraq.”

An interesting premise, but like all analogies if applied to far it ceases to be useful. There were set piece battles in the American War of Independence for example.

Uncle Nolli’s Astro-Tarot-Feng Shui Horoscopes

This week:

ARIES 21 March-2O April
Fruit looks set to play a key part in your week, and so does a 60-watt, mini-candelabra-style, screw-in light bulb.
It’s all the fault of Neptune, the planet of healthy living, rising in Aquarius, the sign of irritatingly hard-to-find household goods.

Lucky Pasta Sauce: Red Pesto

The World of Stanley Unwin

“Hi ho
and a jolly welcode
to all you surfwide’n interwebber lopers.
Here beholdy manifold things
Stanley Unwinmost
– all deep joy
and thorkus
for great laugh’n tittery.

O yes.”

Stanley Unwin.
The man who inspired John Prescott to be the great orator that he is today.

In this clip we hear New Labour’s Devolution plans explained:

Shanghai Triad

Shanghai, 1930. Mr. TANG (Li Boatian), the godfather chief of the Tang family-run underground Green dynasty, is the city’s overlord. Having allied himself with Chiang Kai-shek and participated in the 1927 massacre of the Communists, he controls the opium and prostitution trade. He has also acquired the services of XIAO JINBAO (Gong Li), the most beautiful prostitute-singer in Shanghai.

A mobster movie that focuses on the evil of criminals, instead of their coolness.

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Sympathy, love and care (1952):

A baby gets a most precious sense of security when cradled in his mother’s arms.

Encouraging children to love animals and sympathize with others helps to develop healthy emotions.”