dagenhamdaves favorite websites – StumbleUpon


“Dave was from out of town
Manchester’s likely too
Had read De Sade to Marx
More read than me and you
Scaffolding pays good bread
It pays for drugs and kicks
Dave only had one love
Had no real need for chicks
Dave was so far ahead
But now he’s dead

I’m not going to cry
I bet he hit that water high

I guess he lost control
And welcomed in the night
It was too much for him
What were his thoughts that night?
The River Thames is cold
It keeps on flowing on
But it left Dave alone
It just kept flowing on

There’s city sickness here
But now he’s dead

Late night a street in the west of the city
There was a place there where he lost himself
Strange feelings did he feel there
Strange people did he meet there
Angry sounds did he hear there
Like the howling of bulls.”

Welcome to stumbleupon, DagenhamDave

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Cornwall | Reopening of tin mine is approved


From the page: “Cornwall’s planners have given the go-ahead to a company which wants to re-start tin mining in the county.”

There has been tin mining in Cornwall for over 4,000 years. Fittingly, the last mine to close (South Crofty) is now scheduled to re-open and can be seen above.

Go to:
to read about the mine, it’s Geology and to view pictures of South Crofty as a working colliery.



A rare image indeed. Leon Trotsky appearing in a Soviet picture. He was never formally rehabilitated by the Soviet government, despite the Glasnost-era rehabilitation of most other Old Bolsheviks killed during the Great Purges of Joseph Stalin.

This stamp, from 1987, depicts Trotsky, Lenin, and Dzershinski pouring over a map of Moscow in the painting, “On the Eve of the Storm,” by V. V. Pimenov.

Uncle Nolli’s Astro-Tarot-Feng Shui Horoscopes

This week:

Leo: 23 July-23 August:

A good week for going with the flow and taking up ice hockey.
Tuesday could present a surprise in the shape of a giant snail.
Wednesday is a good day for laundry and cycling, but be sure to wear an orange canvas hat on Friday.

Lucky condiment: HP Sauce

The art of propaganda goes on sale – Telegraph


“The largest privately owned archive of Chinese propaganda posters, providing an illustrated history of the country from the 1930s to post Tiananmen Square, is to be sold at auction later this month.

The collection, of 2,600 posters, was amassed by several generations of a single Chinese family. Some are expected to fetch up to

Bernard Cornwell – Official Site



also he has an amazon page

Here’s forty shillings on the drum
For those who’ll volunteer to come
To ‘list and fight the foe today.
Over the hills and far away.

O’er the hills and o’er the main.
Through Flanders, Portugal and Spain.
King George commands and we obey.
Over the hills and far away.

When duty calls me I must go
To stand and face another foe.
But part of me will always stray
Over the hills and far away.

If I should fall to rise no more,
As many comrades did before,
Then ask the fifes and drums to play.
Over the hills and far away.

Then fall in lads behind the drum,
With colours blazing like the sun.
Along the road to come-what may.
Over the hills and far away.

O’er the hills and o’er the main.
Through Flanders, Portugal and Spain.
King George commands and we obey.
Over the hills and far away.

Six of One – The Prisoner – Patrick McGoohan – Home Page


“Where am I?”
“In the Village.”
“What do you want?”
“Whose side are you on?”
“That would be telling…. We want information. Information! INFORMATION.”
“You won’t get it.”
“By hook or by crook, we will.”
“Who are you?”
“The new Number 2.”
“Who is Number 1?”
“You are Number 6.”
“I am not a number — I am a free man!”

Reasons to set your location to: Royston Vasey


Sorry, Stumbleupon no longer exists – it was a great online community  similar to (but before) Tumblr until the people who ran it broke it. 

SU Population = 5

Calling all stumblers:

Move to Royston Vasey, you know it makes sense.

Imagine if you move to Royston Vasey you will:

1) Be able to tell foreigners that they won’t have heard of where you live ‘unless you are local’
2) Politely decline to post your location on people’s guest maps , because ‘Where I live isn’t listed.’
3) NOT appear on google earth and therefore be safe from spy satellites,
4) Never leave,
5) Go swimming in our incredibly shallow gene pool.
6) er…
7)…that’s it

The Battle of Bosworth Field 1485


August 22nd 1485

” Inter their bodies as becomes their births:
Proclaim a pardon to the soldiers fled
That in submission will return to us:
And then, as we have ta’en the sacrament,
We will unite the white rose and the red:
Smile heaven upon this fair conjunction,
That long have frown’d upon their enmity!
What traitor hears me, and says not amen?
England hath long been mad, and scarr’d herself;
The brother blindly shed the brother’s blood,
The father rashly slaughter’d his own son,
The son, compell’d, been butcher to the sire:
All this divided York and Lancaster, “

Norfolk by Sir John Betjemen (Sorrel aka Sheep Sorrel)



Sheep sorrel, Rumex paucifolius

by Sir John Betjemen

How did the Devil come? When first attack?
These Norfolk lanes recall lost innocence,
The years fall off and find me walking back
Dragging a stick along the wooden fence
Down this same path, where, forty years ago,
My father strolled behind me, calm and slow.

I used to fill my hands with sorrel seeds
And shower him with them from the tops of stiles,
I used to butt my head into his tweeds
To make him hurry down those languorous miles
Of ash and alder-shaded lanes, till here
Our moorings and the masthead would appear.

There after supper lit by lantern light
Warm in the cabin I could lie secure
And hear against the polished sides at night
The lap lap lapping of the weedy Bure,
A whispering and watery Norfolk sound
Telling of all the moonlit reeds around.

How did the Devil come? When first attack?
The church is just the same, though now I know
Fowler of Louth restored it. Time, bring back
The rapturous ignorance of long ago,
The peace, before the dreadful daylight starts,
Of unkept promises and broken hearts.

The Glorious Twelfth (of August)

http://www.geocities.com/traditions_uk/august12.html Site no longer active so this Wikipedia page is a good alternative:


Lagopus lagopus, the Red Grouse

From the page:
“The Red Grouse (Lagopus lagopus) is a medium-sized game bird found only in the British Isles, being a subspecies of the Willow Grouse of Europe, Asia and North America.

It breeds on the heather moors of northern Britain and its numbers are carefully maintained, despite the annual slaughter, by managed breeding and the controlled burning of the heather to provide the variety of stages of growth in the heather which suits the birds best – young shoots for food, mature growth for shelter, and clearings for the chicks and young birds to sun themselves in.

The grouse are allowed to breed unmolested and the season’s chicks will be fully mature by the beginning of August, when the close season comes to an end on the 12th of the month.”

Modern China


This site implies that the ‘Rape of Nanjing’ did not take place.

This is the equivalent of holocaust denial. The evidence is legion.

Oh yes, and also Chinese are cannibals too.

Bigoted and rascist site that seems to be a cover for some sort of “Christian” group. Not the sort of Christianity that we have in the Anglican Church.

Dr Seuss being a political cartoonist

http://orpheus.ucsd.edu/speccoll/dspolitic/Frame.htm – link no longer valid

Starting 1941, he worked as a political cartoonist for the New York newspaper PM

One of many political cartoons penned by Dr Seus.

I posted this back in the days before Dr Seuss got ‘cancelled’. So here’s some context to show how political and progressive he was in his day:


The occasional curry could prevent Alzheimers | Mail Online


From the page: “Curry could help improve mental agility and stave off Alzheimer’s disease, it has been claimed.

Scientists found those who ate the dish as little as once every six months did better in tests than those who had it never or rarely.”

Put the toilet roll in the fridge, I’m off for a curry…

Molecule shirts showing the molecular structure of your favorite drugs



Interesting but I remember from my days at University, the Chemical society had a picture of the above compound emblazoned on their t-shirts together with the logo:

‘Leeds Chemists wipe their own.’

In case you’re wondering, the molecule in question is an arsole.

More amusingly named chemicals can be found at: