Hello Apocalypse…
Author Archives: OldNol
snopes.com: Fire Rainbow
b3ta.com challenge: robots in history
Error: No Such Username – StumbleUpon

Please give a warm Stumbleupon welcome to GaryVoyles. A septuagenarian whose hobbies include doing nothing in coffeeshops and jumping out of airplanes.
From the page:
“Teenager Chased Beaten And Stabbed To Death”
“Rejected Clubber Stabs Two Bouncers”
“Grenade Attack Kills Seven”
“Cop Gets Viciously Beaten By a Suspect”
Sicko voyeurism including snuff movies.
That’s what you get in the name of entertainment.
This site isn’t showing ‘the greatest Beer Ad ever as it’s first video anymore…move on
ZZToolss favorite websites – StumbleUpon
Mickey Mouse must die, says Saudi Arabian cleric – Telegraph
Last month Mr Munajid also condemned the Beijing Olympics as the “bikini Olympics”, claiming that nothing made Satan happier than seeing females athletes dressed in skimpy outfits.
boyafraids favorite websites – StumbleUpon
Papilio machaon edi | Flickr – Photo Sharing!
“I dreamt about you last night,
And I fell out of bed twice…“
CERN – The Large Hadron Collider
A breakthrough in Physics?
or, as Eccentrica Gallumbits would put it…
“The Best Bang since the Big One ” ?
Speedtest.net – The Global Broadband Speed Test
Evil Twin Comics

Action Philosopher: Rene Descartes
The beginning of the end when the devs start acting like…
zjms favorite websites – StumbleUpon
Pregnancy Tips Gallery
b3ta.com challenge: cartoon identity crisis
Lively – 3D Avatars and Rooms
So far I’m disappointed with lively, but hopefully that will change.
I see that Google had to pull the adult content that appeared and one of the best ‘rooms’ on Lively, that wasn’t created in advance of the launch, was made by Pathfinder Linden, an employee of Linden Lab the creators of Second Life. However, on the positive side Lively is only 4 days old and still in Beta, so it should get better.
Watch this space for updates.
b3ta.com challenge: photoshop money
DB BAHN – TravelService – Query page
The ultimate searchable online European Train Time Table, all countries included, available in 9 languages.
Planning a journey from Manchester to Zagreb, Narvik to Madrid, Brindisi to Gdansk?
– look no further.
A classic example of German efficiency.
Difference engine in Second Life
On this day in 1822, Charles Babbage proposed the use of a difference engine in a paper to the Royal Astronomical Society, some 186 years later and a replica of one of Babbage’s machines can be found in the Virtual World mod Second Life:
Second Life Difference Engine created by Independent State of Caledon resident Paul Churchill
Update 2024: Although ‘The Independent State of Caledon’ is still active and very much alive inside Second Life the Caledon Highlands sim is no more and I was unable to track down the difference engine in world.
“On Mr. Babbage’s new machine for calculating and printing mathematical and astronomical tables…”

Some 186 years later and a replica of one of Babbage’s machines can be found in a Virtual World:
Second Life Difference Engine created by Independent State of Caledon resident Paul Churchill
Update 2024: Although ‘The Independent State of Caledon’ is still active and very much alive inside Second Life the Caledon Highlands sim is no more and I was unable to track down the difference engine in world.
Other Second Life related pages can be found here
Beau Bo DOr
Error 404: This page cannot be found
Funny English Gallery 2

Note how this satirical version is so much like the original which I scanned…

Many thanks though to Mrs Trellis, of North Wales, who pointed out this obvious blunder … the date (1974) is 3 years after decimalisation, so the price tag of 2/6 is fake – shame.

…and here is the original.
Discovery relief mission is go • The Register

From the page:
“For those of you not up to speed on space toilets, the ASU failed on 21 May following a “loud noise” – apparently the failure of the air/water separator pump. Despite the ISS crew’s best attempts at DIY, they were obliged to request an emergency plumbing space-lift to tackle the problem.”
Well I never, good excuse for a nice pic though…
BeerUtopia — Tap into the culture of beer
“Oh, so I drank one
It became four
And when I fell on the floor …
…I drank more”
Fed by Birds: Summer in the Cemetery
“So rattle my bones all over the stones,
I’m only a beggar-man who nobody owns,
See how words as old as sin,
Fit me like a glove,”
Wired Science . Homepage | PBS
Remembering the golden age of chemistry sets – and their makers.
Very 1960s – I bet they’re trying to synthesise Lysergic acid diethylamide.
Journeys reviews – StumbleUpon
….and by profound I mean does she realise that she’ll die aged 36?

Orange-tip butterfly, Anthocharis cardamines feeding on a Common Bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scripta in Otley Chevin Forest in April / May.