“The mustache that found Dr Livingstone.”
One for Master-Li
…so thats where Cloggy’s cap went.
…and I thought Martians were supposed to be green…
Junglejail short animation,
Original site no longer online but it’s available on you tube here:
Obi-ron Paul-obi
He practices a peculiar interpretation of The Force, in which reducing government to only local control and returning to the gold standard is the answer.
While his anti-Empire foreign policy excites the Rebel Alliance, it’s pretty much a Jedi mind trick. He’s still a crazy old guy living in the desert.”
This guide to the presidential election makes as much sense as any of the others I have seen.
Silver Shilling 1658
Bill Gates – You Asked The Questions
“…we tried a new tactic – getting BBC viewers, listeners and readers to ask the questions. We had thousands, covering every aspect of Bill Gates and Microsoft – past, present and future.
…one gentleman was proposing himself as the next CEO of Microsoft, and another wondered whether the secrets of Windows software had been recovered from a crashed UFO.”
6. “Microsoft’s technology might have originated with a crashed UFO; it certainly didn’t come from a functioning one.”
Correcting internet errors, one mistake at a time. (dead link)
You can view the site here as it is still online.
To be honest I am heartily sick of seeing these insulting ‘flags’ popping up when I click the stumble button.
The Chinese flag was particularly annoying because it is factually wrong see:
…so I decided to correct it.
Anybody else want to ‘correct’ one of the others?
About the Epica Awards
‘Established in 1987, Epica Awards is unique as it is the only creative prize judged by the press.
Today the jury brings together more than 200 chief editors and senior reporters from trade, specialist and mainstream titles in over 60 countries. The awards are open to agencies, design studios, production houses, advertisers, digital marketers – in fact, talents from every corner of the communications business.”
Sorry link no longer works…
Pictorial record of history seen with a jaundiced eye.
Update: Contraband seems to have vanished sometime in 2020 and the wayback machine doesn’t have the original picture that I was referencing. Also it’s from2007 which is a long time ago – not all links and content can be restored
‘Mae Zedong (December 26, 1893 — November 22, 1980)
…was an actress, writer and communist revolutionary famous for her daring double entendres and her belief that proletarian revolution could come from the peasant classes.
After winning control of mainland China in 1949, Zedong modernized the country through a series of risque comedies and films, filled with quips, one-liners and denunciation of “reactionary” elements.
These were later collected into the “Little Black Book,” which became a standard text for revolutionaries into the 1960s.’
“In the lands of the North,
where the Black Rocks stand guard against the cold sea,
in the dark night that is very long,
the Men of the Northlands sit by their great log fires,
and they tell a tale…”
“We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl,
Year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have you found?
The same old fears…”
WW1- Camp Silhouette Series No 9 – “LIGHTS OUT”
My site is worth 2/6 * .
How much is yours worth?
* or half a crown to you guv’nor
Please give a warm StumbleUpon welcome to James “SLHamlet” an embedded journalist for the online world Second Life.
James’ blog New World Notes is one of the oldest and most highly respected news sources for Second Life and is well worth a visit.
Oh yes, and his book “The Making of Second Life: Notes from the New World” will be released on Feb 28th, 2008.
I saw two of these magnificent birds whilst driving to work this morning.
If my name ever appears on this site please have me taken outside and shot. All I ask for is a quick, painless death.
Thank you.
This site no longer exists, just as well it sucked – Oct 2008
Caledon is a small, windswept forested country at a temperate latitude. Wild creatures, country estate life, sights and sounds that were common well over 100 years ago are the hallmark of the land.
Technology is approximately that of the 19th Century, though some astonishing breakthroughs have provided for incredible wonders. Ground vehicles, airships, and even a device known as a ‘telehub’ are made possible through the power of exotic material properties and the wonders of Steam Technology.
The government is an expansionist monarchy, supported by a strong aristocracy.