
2005 Election Manifesto Summary: Respect

http://www.respectcoalition.org/ Communists. Update: Ceased operations August 18, 2016

20 years ago

2005 Election Green Party

https://vote.greenparty.org.uk 2005 Election Green Party Manifesto Summary: Tree-huggers.

20 years ago

British National Party: Fascists a la Mosley

http://www.bnp.org.uk/ General Election 2005: Fascists a la Mosley. Update: That link still works but I don't like the idea of…

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2005 Election Manifesto Summary: Veritas

http://www.veritasparty.co.uk/ Upminster, eight stops beyond Barking. Update: No longer registered as a party - shame

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2005 Election Manifesto Summary: UKIP

http://www.ukip.org/ 2005 Election Manifesto Summary: Barking.

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A new generation for change | The Labour Party

http://www.labour.org.uk/home 2005 Election Manifesto Summary: The Labour Party Higher taxes, big government, less civil liberties

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The Liberal Democrats – Official Website

http://www.libdems.org.uk/ 2005 UK General Election Summary: Much higher taxes, even bigger government, giving the right to vote to paedophiles in…

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How many innocent people have been sentenced to death recently?

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The war on terror – American double standards

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20 years ago

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