Category Archives: real life
Quake RL…
自由女神像凱蒂貓 Zìyóu nǚshén xiàng Kǎi dì māo
Seamus Heaney (13 April 1939 – 30 August 2013)
1,001 uses and counting….
The Leeds side streets that you slip down…
As mad as …
I’m no homophobe: my aunt lived with a horse – The Local
Update this links works:
It’s a funny old world, well Sweden anyway…
“I’m no homophobe: my aunt lived with a horse”
“Since Jens Orback was appointed as Sweden’s equality minister, he’s been accused of all sorts of heinous crimes against political correctness. Feminists have accused him of not taking women’s rights seriously, and in a comment piece in Aftonbladet, gay groups said that he was a `family fundamentalist, colonialist and neoconservative’.
So it was in an attempt to set the record straight that the minister took to the airwaves on Sunday. Denying that he was intolerant of sexual minorities, he told Swedish Radio’s Ekot programme “I had a wonderful aunt who lived in Canada with a horse. I thought it was wonderful. Let people live as they wish.”
Orback’s comments have done nothing to endear him to gay rights campaigners.”