Plenty to look at in my archives
I also have a Flickr page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nolligan_nino/
Plenty to look at in my archives
I also have a Flickr page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nolligan_nino/
Stumbleupon Groups were great places that were first crippled then killed off by the cruel alien overlords that run the StumbleUpon Empire.
I started and ran three of them: China, Second Life and Sock Puppets.
The StumbleUpon blog has been exported and uploaded, tweaking is occuring, friends, followers and fans are being notified. Groups are being archived, screenshots taken.
This flurry of activity is due to the developers of Stumbleupon deciding to stab their loyal userbase in the back and remove all the blogging features on SU like photoblogging, using html and being able to post single ‘blog posts’ i.e. all the bits that made it fun.
I will continue to use the SU messaging features to keep in contact with some of the many friends I have made during the last seven years.
Let’s hope that things get better from now on, update your bookmarks.
The End.
The finish – they think it’s all over.
It is now.
My Stumbleupon toolbar has been deleted – maybe I’ll add a last farewell before SU goes dark on October 24th.
“One day goodbye will be farewell,
So grab me while we still have the time…”
P.S. :
Marc Leibowitz, Stumble Upon’s vice president of marketing and business development explains:
“We’re talking about a small, albeit passionate, group of users that were using these bells and whistles…
it was costing us time to maintain these things“
A Livestream that was created by fellow stumbler Geo Meek who sadly passed away in 2021.
You are sadly missed old friend.
Correcting internet errors, one mistake at a time.
http://www.epica-awards.com/pages/pastresults2005_epicador_press.html (dead link)
You can view the site here as it is still online.
To be honest I am heartily sick of seeing these insulting ‘flags’ popping up when I click the stumble button.
The Chinese flag was particularly annoying because it is factually wrong see:
…so I decided to correct it.
Anybody else want to ‘correct’ one of the others?
About the Epica Awards
‘Established in 1987, Epica Awards is unique as it is the only creative prize judged by the press.
Today the jury brings together more than 200 chief editors and senior reporters from trade, specialist and mainstream titles in over 60 countries. The awards are open to agencies, design studios, production houses, advertisers, digital marketers – in fact, talents from every corner of the communications business.”
Gyromancy-Hermit – StumbleUpon – his favourite websites from the now defunct Stumbleupon blogging site.
Quality stumbles can be were found here.
Sorry, Stumbleupon no longer exists – it was a great online community similar to (but before) Tumblr until the people who ran it broke it.
SU Population = 5
Calling all stumblers:
Move to Royston Vasey, you know it makes sense.
Imagine if you move to Royston Vasey you will:
1) Be able to tell foreigners that they won’t have heard of where you live ‘unless you are local’
2) Politely decline to post your location on people’s guest maps , because ‘Where I live isn’t listed.’
3) NOT appear on google earth and therefore be safe from spy satellites,
4) Never leave,
5) Go swimming in our incredibly shallow gene pool.
6) er…
7)…that’s it
I like Master-Li because he is local and he knows what happened to all those missing neutrinos.
Update2022: I really liked Master-Li and his sense of humour. I think he transferred to tumblr but I lost track of hime a long time ago. Here’s an archived screen grab of his stumble site:
Excellent stumble, thumbs up!
Update 2022: couldn’t find the original link on Eatliver.com but glad to see the site is still going strong so I randomly linked something I found amusing:
With apologies to http://granolagirl.stumbleupon.com
Grrrrrr – another of my favorite StumbleUpon colleagues with a nice collection of websites and interesting links
Anybody who likes Magazine, Derren Brown and the Rockall Times gets a Thumbs Up from me.
Welcome to stumbleupon.
Update 2022:
With some people SU was always going to a bit of a joke – and like this user they dropped out fairly quickly.
However, Stumbleupon was great and very successful for a number of years. Books were written about how to use it to promote websites and businesses.
For those of us who used it , it was great and a real sense of community developed which you may see in later years.
Check out the StumbleUpon category for more info
Skedaddle was another StumbleUpon user and blogger with a American Civil War theme.
As one ‘Civil War’ aficionado to another I cannot rate Skedaddle’s site highly enough, whilst I merely read around the English Civil War Skedaddle contributes to the body of knowledge about the American Civil War. Visit his site at: http://www.pddoc.com/skedaddle/articles/index.html to find out more.
Update 2022:
Skeddale’s website is still online but sadly doesn’t seem to have been updated for a long time.
Wayback machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20051104043017/http://freqwiz.stumbleupon.com/
“…even though what you might say about my country, my president, my job, or me might hurt, I will gladly die defending your right to say it!” This is a sentiment I can agree with, however, I will respectfully remind you of what your general George S Patton said “Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.”
Phreaks reviewed sites made me laugh outloud – thumbs up!
Update: Another fellow stumbler and his Stumbleupon Blog has survived pretty much intact.
Looking for other Stumbleupon users?
Try looking here
Category: Stumbleupon
Edwardus Primus Scottorum malleus hic est. Pactum serva.
– “Edward the First, Hammer of the Scots, keep the faith“
Update: Grabbed a screenshot and a wayback machine link
Anyone who understands ‘revolving-door algorithms’… gets a thumbs up from me.
Welcome aboard!
Welcome aboard!
Update: Click here to visit on the way back machine
Thoughtful stumblings.
Wayback machine link:
I can’t understand why nobody hasn’t reviewed al before. Plenty of links and his music is well worth listening to.
Visit the Disorder web site at http://www.disordermusic.com and you can download some of their tracks for free. – Unfortunately, I couldn’t track down a new (working) link for this
Wayback machine link:
Thumbs up! Some excellent stumbles with balanced comments. Welcome aboard.
Accessible using the wayback machine:
Another bloke from God’s own county (Yorkshire of course) who takes us on a trip down memory lane with some links to quality children’s animation.
Way back machine:
Keep it coming – quality links as the lady said ‘don’t miss this one.’
Wayback machine link:
Some very good links can be found here – thumbs up!
*Stumbleupon is no longer with available
Wayback machine link:
loved the link to the mini golf – keep it coming
Wayback machine link:
Seeing those politicians in drag was a hoot! Keep it coming!
Wayback machine link:
Love the Churchill pic – did you know the Nazis used this pic in their propaganda with the caption ‘Wanted for Murder’?