Castanea sativa (Sweet chestnut)
Apple trees:

Soft Fruit:

- Windbreak netting
- Composting bin
Castanea sativa (Sweet chestnut)
Apple trees:
Soft Fruit:
Turf cutting in Co Roscommon in 1881, from the Illustrated London News, February 26th, 1881
Cut turf stacked for drying, Lissananny, Co. Roscommon, August 2019
To sit beside the board and drink good wine
And watch the turf smoke coiling from the fire
And feel content and wisdom in your heart,
This is the best of life;
William Butler Yates
Cutting turf to heat homes has been a tradition for millennia, but the EU has ruled that it must stop.
Leeds Bridge June 2018
Leeds Bridge June 1888
Image by Louis Le Prince. It is claimed Le Prince filmed the first ever moving images on Leeds Bridge in 1888.
Source: http://www.leodis.net
Dear Santa,
Please can I have an Electrical Lab 3 for £5.95.
Thank you,
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“A brief account of that bloudy & subtle Design laid against the King, his Lords and Commons in Parliament, and of a Happy Deliverance by Divine Power.”
The planting of bombs and buying guns is an example of plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose, although the sentences for those arrested are now much less severe:
A Google news search for ‘terrorist plot’ gathered 2,110 results. In 2011 the alledged perpetrators of terrorism are:
an ex-Soviet officer in Columbia, the ‘Real’ IRA, various Islamist conspiracies, two Swedes found to be innocent, Iran & the USA making accusations and counter-accusations … and the list goes on.
In the footsteps of Joseph Rock is the journey of Sydney blogger Michael, following the footsteps of ‘bad-tempered and imperious’ Joseph Rock, who travelled through western Sichuan and the Tibet borderlands in the 1920s to reach Minya Konka, once thought to be the world’s highest mountain.
The writing is superb but the genius is in the photography, placing side-by-side Rock’s photos with Michael’s own equivalents taken 70 years later.”
Wayback machine:
The author,Robert B. Reich was the secretary of labor in the Clinton administration says…
‘As China’s influence grows, America’s wanes.’
‘With China holding more than a half a trillion dollars of United States debt, it also largely determines what happens to the dollar.’
‘In short, China is now a significant player in the American economy and in American politics–even though few American politicians actually dare admit it.’
Strange then, that China barely merited debate during the recent Presidential Elections.
a photographic archive of Leeds, Yorkshire, UK including the first ever moving image in 1888 on Leeds Bridge. Your chance to view some cinematic history.