Uncategorized The Stumbleupon groups that I moderate, namely: http://china.group.stumbleupon.com/ and http://second-life.group.stumbleupon.com/ have been getting off-topic postings or ... from persons who…
Roger Keith "Syd" Barrett (January 6, 1946 - July 7, 2006) Syd Barrett, the troubled founding member of Pink Floyd,…
Sock Puppets They're everywhere chief...
Songs that I have added to the SU Music Player library Plenty to look at in my archives, press the…
http://www.gallery21.com/a_graphic_mauve_floral_earle.htm Thanks to Twixel http://twixel.stumbleupon.com/ for this one.
Ron Manager 'It's a far cry from small boys in the park, jumpers for goalposts. Isn't it? Mmmmm. Marvellous.' "Football…
I was impressed with Eurotunnel, it was fast and efficient.
Good things about France: Wine, cheese, Carrefour, cheaper diesel, food generally, weather,... Bad things... Road signs, ...
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