Farewell Summer, you brought the Ashes home to dear ole Blighty, a shed load of holiday fun and weeks…
http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/549/hotlink1ls.jpg Don't you just hate it when this happens.... No hotlinking -it's not good Update 2022: Back in 2005 I…
http://www.rootkush.com/ Another flashtastic site Update 2022: The original link was to a flash game where you could make music but…
The Ashes - a long hot summer Michael Vaughan, the whole of England is with you.
http://store.cgsociety.org/product/000130/ https://web.archive.org/web/20051124092445/http://store.cgsociety.org/product/000130/ "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco."A quote frequently misattributed to Mark Twain.
http://www.cgsociety.org/ Screenshot from 2022 Lots and lots of eye candy for you to enjoy.
Identity cards may actually increase identity theft despite 'new technology' http://digital-lifestyles.info/display_page.asp?section=business&id=2536 From the page:"In a damning blow to the UK…
It happens sometimes I just can't track down the original material no matter how hard I try
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