
Le Monde : Actualité

http://www.lemonde.fr/ Le Monde:  Actualités et Infos en France et dans le monde C'est un journal francais

20 years ago

Killer in the classroom

http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1442457/posts Mohammad Sidique Khan the 'Killer in the classroom' `it gets a little closer every day.Suicide bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan,…

20 years ago


Al Qaeda on my doorstep, well almost Earlier today one of my students told me that his street had been…

20 years ago

Don’t wanna go down in the tube station…

http://www.fco.gov.uk/Files/kimage/Koroleva.jpg (Don't wanna go) down in the tube station (at midnight) Smiling, beguiling The distant echo -Of faraway voices boarding…

20 years ago

_____londonhurts’ Journal

http://www.livejournal.com/community/london_hurts?skip=20 From :_____londonhurts' Journal I've just shown this community to my father who was a Londoner (evacuated) during the war…

20 years ago

Are you good or evil?

http://quizilla.com/cgi-bin/result/result.plhttp://quizilla.com/users/daddysgirl/quizzes/Where%20Did%20Your%20Soul%20Originate%3F Update Can't find the original so here's something approximately the same: https://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=are-you-good-evil "You come from Heaven. You're the purest…

20 years ago

2005 Election Manifesto Summary: SNP

http://www.snp.org/ 2005 Election Manifesto Summary: SNP Everything is the fault of the English, but on a positive note they do…

20 years ago

Patriotism: Careful Now! Down with this sort of thing…

http://www.shanghaidiaries.com/archives/IMG_7409.php Mass protests on the streets of Shanghai, echoes of 1966 or adumbrations of international conflict?

20 years ago

Brand new MacPro!

I have taken a short leave of absence from stumbling whilst I take charge of my brand new Mac. Hmmmmm.....…

20 years ago

Thumbs down review: stopUSA.be

http://www.stopusa.be/home/index.php?langue=3 Update: One of the things about StumbleUpon was that you could give a thumbs down negative review - which…

20 years ago

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