Ancient Greek Humor
Mortal: What is a million years like to you?
Zeus: Like one second.
Mortal: What is a million dollars like to you?
Zeus: Like one penny.
Mortal: Can I have a penny?
Zeus: Just a second…
Ancient Greek Humor
Mortal: What is a million years like to you?
Zeus: Like one second.
Mortal: What is a million dollars like to you?
Zeus: Like one penny.
Mortal: Can I have a penny?
Zeus: Just a second…
Don’t you just hate it when this happens….
Update 2022: Back in 2005 I didn’t realise that hot linking is bad, probably because I didn’t host a website myself. My web hosting company blocks hot linking to image files as standard.
Another flashtastic site
Update 2022: The original link was to a flash game where you could make music but I can’t track down a copy on the web, which is a shame as it was fun.
So the nearest I can do is provide a link to the rootkush syndicate’s site on soundcloud.
Identity cards may actually increase identity theft despite ‘new technology’
From the page:
“In a damning blow to the UK government’s love affair with identity cards, a British criminologist has warned that the new technology could actually increase, rather than solve, the problem of identity theft and fraud.”
Update 2022: Unlike ID cards Identity theft didn’t disappear but got worse
What’s your BMI? (Body Mass Index)
Mine is 23.5
That puts me in the healthy weight range.
So I shall have to drink more beer…
Update 2022: Problem solved
Who gets into Heaven…?
Speaker: Hello, newcomers, and welcome to Hell.
Can everybody hear me? [taps the mic a few times] Hello? Can everybuh-? Okay. [the crowd quiets down]
Uh, I’m the hell director. Uh, it looks like we have about 8,615 of you newbies today, and for those of you who are a little confused, uh, you are dead, and this is hell, so, abandon all hope and uh yada yada yada.
Uh, we are now going to start the orientation process, which will last about-
Man 4: Hey, wait a minute, I shouldn’t be here. I was a totally strict and devout Protestant! I thought we went to heaven!
Hell Director: Yes, well I’m afraid you were wrong.
Soldier: I was a practicing Jehovah’s Witness.
Hell director: Uh, you picked the wrong religion as well.
Man 5: Well, who was right? Who gets into heaven?
Hell Director: I’m afraid it was the Mormons.
Yes, the Mormons were the correct answer.
Crowd: [disappointed] Awww.
Yes, wouldn’t it be a bugger if after praying devoutly to the God of your choice for a whole lifetime it turns out that you picked the wrong religion…
Are you Addicted to the Internet?
Hardcore Junkie (61% – 80%)
While you do get a bit of sleep every night and sometimes leave the house, you spend as much time as you can online. You usually have a browser, chat clients, server consoles, and your email on auto check open at all times. Phone? What’s that? You plan your social events by contacting your friends online. Just be careful you don’t get a repetitive wrist injury…
Thanks to for this
I’m feeling cryptic so who said this:
‘Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?’
i) It wasn’t John Prescott, the British deputy Prime Minister
ii) It wasn’t
Answers when I get back, on the other hand you could just ‘google’ it:
Updated 2022:
Screwed over by imageshack changing their use policy. Before I had my own space I used to use image shack to host blog pictures – but in 2015 they changed their policy and these pictures are now lost – some can be salvaged – others not. These ones can’t.
This is going to happen a lot…
New characters for a new century.
From the page: “Three days after the 7 July bombings, Kamal Butt, 48, from Pakistan was murdered outside a corner shop in Nottingham.
Eight juveniles and a man have been arrested.”
C’est un journal francais
Mohammad Sidique Khan the ‘Killer in the classroom’
`it gets a little closer every day.
Suicide bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan, 30, working as a teaching mentor in a classroom at a school in the Beeston area of Leeds.
The last couple of weeks have been mindnumbing.
The hope of Live8, the sucess of London 2012, the horror of the London Bombings and then the unsettling relevations that there were Al Qaeda operatives amongst us.
We aren’t talking 6 degrees of separation, and by that I mean I was in the same room as Mohammad Sidique Khan a year or so ago. At the time I didn’t converse with him just said ‘Hello’.
Some of my friends and colleagues actually worked with them. I have great difficulty in coming to terms with the fact that this man was working in a caring profession – working with Special Needs Children.
This man:
Magdy el-Nashar is a suspect and is currently in gaol in Cairo until just before the bombings he was resident in Leeds. I know he is a very devout muslim and tried to convert most people he met. He certainly knew at least one of the bombers and holding a doctorate in biochemistry had the knowledge and skills to make the explosive triacetone triperoxide that was used. Large amounts of bomb making equipment was found in a flat he rented, and he left the UK three days before the attacks took place.
Is he one of them?
He worked with people very close to me.
He will be investigated and I trust the West Yorkshire Police to be fair.
Any of these bastards that are given a fair trial and found guilty will to my mind suffer a fate worse than death. They will languish in one of Her Majesties prisons for a very long time locked up with hundreds of violent British criminals who will spend many long hours devising ingenious ways to torment them when the ‘screws’ aren’t looking.
I’m not usually given to such dark thoughts as these but I’m glad that despite recent events I do not want to see the return of capital punishment and judicial murder.
Al Qaeda on my doorstep, well almost
Earlier today one of my students told me that his street had been cordoned off and that an arrest connected to the London bombings had been made.
Since I’ve been teaching here for many years and we now know that the bombers were from Leeds there’s an outside chance that I may have taught one of the bombers in the past – makes you think doesn’t it?
(Don’t wanna go) down in the tube station (at midnight)
The distant echo –
Of faraway voices boarding faraway trains
To take them home to
The ones that they love and who love them forever
The glazed, dirty steps – repeat my own and reflect my thoughts
Cold and uninviting, partially naked
Except for toffee wrapers and this morning’s papers
Mr. Jones got run down
Headlines of death and sorrow – they tell of tomorrow
Madmen on the rampage
And I’m down in the tube station at midnight
I fumble for change – and pull out the Queen
Smiling, beguiling
From :_____londonhurts’ Journal
I’ve just shown this community to my father who was a Londoner (evacuated) during the war years. In the spirit of the responses here he’d like to point out.
“You youngsters don’t know how lucky you are we had to cope with tea rationing!!!”
You do your worst – and we will do our best.
I lived in London for four years during the height of the IRA bombing campaign and I once found a suspect device on a tube train and had to pull the Emergency lever to halt the train so I know how Londoners feel at the moment.
As Churchill said
“…We ask no favours of the enemy. We seek from them no compunction.
On the contrary, if tonight our people were asked to cast their vote whether a convention should be entered into to stop the bombing of cities, the overwhelming majority would cry,
“No, we will mete out to them the measure, and more than the measure, that they have meted out to us.”
The people with one voice would say:
“You have committed every crime under the sun.
Where you have been the least resisted there you have been the most brutal.
It was you who began the indiscriminate bombing.
We will have no truce or parley with you, or the grisly gang who work your wicked will.
You do your worst – and we will do our best.
Perhaps it may be our turn soon; perhaps it may be our turn now…”
Update Can’t find the original so here’s something approximately the same:
“You come from Heaven. You’re the purest of pure, a saint. You’re probably an angel sent directly from Heaven.”
2005 Election Manifesto Summary: SNP
Everything is the fault of the English, but on a positive note they do want to impeach Tony Blair.
Mass protests on the streets of Shanghai, echoes of 1966 or adumbrations of international conflict?
One of the things about StumbleUpon was that you could give a thumbs down negative review – which I did here. To be honest back in 2005 we didn’t have all the non-stop bat shit insane conspiracy stuff like we do now. The self righteous do love to be self righteous though and this site was a non-stop exercise in virtue signalling.
From the page: “It is very obvious that the American forces are committing crimes of genocide every day in Iraq.”
This site is one long anti-american rant.
… so a thumbs down review for
Haven’t been able to post recently because my house was burgled and the buggers stole all my computers (x2 laptops and my beloved Mac). So I’ve had to set up a new (temporary) system. Hopefully, things will return to normal soon as I backed up my bookmarks and most of my work related files were either on a spare machine at work or existed in hard copy.
The three rules of computing are:
1) Back up your files.
2) Always backup your files.
3) Never forget to backup your files.
Good advice, but I wish I had been more diligent.
Burglars? String ’em up, it’s the only kind of language they understand!
From the web site:
“Suspected of receiving funds from sympathizers in the United States and of attempting to buy weapons from US gun dealers. RIRA also is reported to have purchased sophisticated weapons from the Balkans.
In May 2002, three Irish nationals associated with RIRA pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to cause an explosion and trying to obtain weapons following their extradition from Slovenia to the United Kingdom.”
Update: Glad to see this site is still with us and archived properly. The full site (The Federation of American Scientists: Intelligence Resource Program) is well worth a look:
I like the concept of Open source Intelligence
Makers of the Jetpod which is ‘… to all intent and purpose a low-cost world-class city airtaxi’
I want one!
flashtastic site
It all ended in tears
Discussed in detail here:
Update: can’t find this on the wayback machine
Colditz: See the Castle, fall in love with the town
‘Profoundly mourning Zhao Ziyang’s death:You came too early. When we were in a crisis, you didn’t betray your principles. For generations, people will remember your good name. You went away so late, the nation is sinking in the darkness. You didn’t accomplish your vision, and will forever be resentful’
Chinese script and translation via China Digital News
The idea of Google knowing what’s on my computer, my complete web history and the content of my emails is sinister. They are not offering this service from any altruistic motive, they are a company that makes money. So what will they do with the information they harvest from my computer? Who can have access to it – commercial organisations or governments? MI5 (British Military Intelligence) and other national security agencies must love this. Despite Google’s assertion that they respect privacy I am not convinced. They have already demonstrated that they will co-operate with totalitarian governments to censor and restrict Internet access to further the interests of their shareholders so basically I don’t trust them.
Update: Google desktop ceased to be in September 2011
Give, give, give! – don’t be confused about the title this is for the tsunami appeal.
Merry Christmas!
Amusing ovine animations and more. Link sadly broken beyond repair
I tried to restore this but it didn’t work….
Catchy tune and good animation make this a very entertaining cartoon.