“This is the story of the rise of jazz in France, The Nazi’s ambivalent relationship with it during the occupation and the survival of one of Europe’s most inspirational Jazz musicians.”
Django Reinhardt should have been a target for Nazi persecution being a gypsy and a jazz musician, this is his remarkable story.
Part 2:
Another one to add to the collection.
From the page:
1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111
9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888
1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321
“Starry, starry night.
Paint your palette blue and grey,
Look out on a summer’s day,
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul.
Shadows on the hills,
Sketch the trees and the daffodils,
Catch the breeze and the winter chills,
In colours on the snowy Linden land.”
"Let me tell you something…
I’ve had enough of Irish-Americans who haven’t been back to their country in 20 or 30 years come up to me and talk about the resistance, the revolution back home and the glory of the revolution and the glory of dying for the revolution.
F*** the revolution!
They don’t talk about the glory of killing for the revolution.
What’s the glory of taking a man from his bed and gunning him down in front of his wife and children?
Where’s the glory in that?
Where’s the glory in bombing a remembrance day parade of old age pensioners, their medals taken out and polished up for the day?
Where’s the glory in that?
To leave them dying, or crippled for life or dead under the rubble of a revolution that the majority of the people in my country don’t want?"
Thumbs down for Ralph Lauren crimes against free expression and for photoshop fail.
“First they came for the supermodels,
but I didn’t care because I wasn’t a supermodel…’
Ralph Lauren didn’t like people mocking their poor photoshop skills and ordered their lawyers to suppress it by drawing upon that shining example of American ‘liberty’ the DMCA.
Boing Boing replied:
So, to Ralph Lauren, GreenbergTraurig, and PRL Holdings, Inc: sue and be damned. Copyright law doesn’t give you the right to threaten your critics for pointing out the problems with your offerings. You should know better. And every time you threaten to sue us over stuff like this, we will:
a) Reproduce the original criticism, making damned sure that all our readers get a good, long look at it, and;
b) Publish your spurious legal threat along with copious mockery, so that it becomes highly ranked in search engines where other people you threaten can find it and take heart; and
c) Offer nourishing soup and sandwiches to your models
Li Masters High Voltage Physics
Inspired by the recent post on men in sheds and their tesla coils our very own Master Li has constructed a tesla coil using bits and pieces of ‘stuff’ he found in his shed complex at Wassat Moor.
We were lucky enough to be given a tour around the facility just to the north of Boggit’s Hole Bottom including the new High Voltage Laboratory.
Showing us his new invention, which narrowly missed the accolade of a Faraday-Darwin Award for the fortunate inventor and Vapour Mechanic, he explained "We’ve just managed to squeeze it in between the New Samsung fridge-freezer and the gorilla racking." adding "…it was quite hard work. It took nearly a whole afternoon, but we still managed to get a few pints in at Th’ Leg-O-Mutton."
It didn’t work, of course, but if it had done it would have looked something like this:
There’s a lot of good information here but the layout and design of the site is poor at best.
It went bust in Spring 09
How can one not like a stumbler who is Courteous to the Maximum?
Please give a warm stumble welcome to Phil D a 55 year old guy from the United States of America.
Now please remember children that making and using Tesla coils is potentially fatal.
This is due to:
Ensure that you are fully aware of the risks before attempting construction or running Tesla coils.
Safety information can be found at:
More tesla links:
Now I’m off to see what Li has been up to in his shed at Wassat Moor.
September 8th, 1642
Parliament has spurned a second offer of peace from King Charles, less than two weeks after rejecting the monarch’s first, and declared it would confiscate the property of the King’s supporters to meet the expenses of the war.
Delivered three days ago by Lord Falkland , the King offered "with all cheerfulness" to take down his standard, erected on August 22 in Nottingham, provided Parliament first revoke "its declarations against all persons as traitors for assisting us."
"Our chief desire in this world is to beget a good understanding and mutual confidence betwixt us and our two Houses of Parliament," the King wrote.
Parliament in its rejection reminded the King of its letter of August 27, which stated it would not treat with Charles unless he first lowered his standard and recalled his proclamation declaring those opposing him to be traitors.
"We cannot recede from our former answer," Parliament wrote to the King.
The "good and well-affected subjects" of England, Parliament said, will be repaid all monies lent Parliament "out of the estates of delinquents and of the malignant and disaffected party" in the Kingdom.
"To that end," Parliament said, "both this and succeeding generations may take warning with what danger they commit such heinous crimes."
The King’s situation is at present perilous. Portsmouth, seized for him last month by Lord Goring, surrendered today. The Earl of Essex, Lord-General of Parliament’s armies, is scheduled to depart London tomorrow or the day after to join the regiments mustering in Northampton. Parliament’s forces number near 20,000; while those of the King are said to contain fewer than 1000 horse, commanded by Prince Rupert, and 1000 foot.
It may well be that the war is over before the harvest is home.
A selection of first editions from Master-Li’s book collection….
Captain Cloggy RV’s first astronaut.
From the page:
“On 17 September 1944 thousands of paratroopers descended from the sky by parachute or glider up to 150 km behind enemy lines. Their goal: to secure to bridges across the rivers in Holland so that the Allied army could advance rapidly northwards and turn right into the lowlands of Germany, hereby skirting around the Siegfried line, the German defence line. If all carried out as planned it should have ended the war by Christmas 1944.”
Be sure to watch Off Kilter, the three-part series written and presented by Jonathan Meades, which starts on BBC 4 at 9pm on Wednesday.
There is almost no corner of culture that remains alien to Meades, or unscrutinised in his original, penetrating way.
This series is about Scotland, but don’t let that put you off. Meades gives us Scotland as probably even most of the Scots do not understand it.
To quote Dr. Hildegarde Langstrom:
“Schopenhauer was right, wouldn’t you say?
Life without pain has no meaning.
Gentlemen, I wish to give your life meaning. “
England expects either a rare victory or a record breaking achievement from the Aussies. Whatever happens I shall be following events with interest.
A bit of a mixed bunch but some made me smile.
Bite Bigger
by John Hartley, (1839 – 1915)
As I hurried through t’ taan to my wark,
-I were lat,(1) for all t’ buzzers had gooan-
I happen’d to hear a remark
At ‘ud fotch tears thro’ th’ heart of a stooan.
It were rainin’, an’ snawin’, an’ cowd,
An’ th’ flagstones were cover’d wi’ muck,
An’ th’ east wind both whistled an’ howl’d,
It saanded like nowt bud ill luck.
When two little lads, donn’d(2) i’ rags,
Baat(3) stockin’s or shoes o’ their feet,
Com trapsin’ away ower t’ flags,
Boath on ’em sodden’d wi’ t’ weet.
Th’ owdest mud happen be ten,
T’ young un be haulf on’t, no more;
As I look’d on, I said to misen,
“God help fowk this weather at’s poor!”
T’ big un samm’d(4) summat off t’ graand,
An’ I look’d just to see what ‘t could be,
T were a few wizen’d flaars he’d faand,
An’ they seem’d to hae fill’d him wi’ glee.
An’ he said, “Coom on, Billy, may be
We sal find summat else by an’ by;
An’ if not, tha mun share these wi’ me,
When we get to some spot wheer it’s dry.”
Leet-hearted, they trotted away,
An’ I follow’d, ’cause t’ were i’ my rooad;
But I thowt I’d ne’er seen sich a day,
It wern’t fit to be aat for a tooad.
Sooin t’ big un agean slipp’d away,
An’ samm’d summat else aat o’ t’ muck;
An’ he cried aat, “Look here, Bill, to-day
Arn’t we blest wi’ a seet o’ gooid luck?”
Here’s a apple, an’ t’ mooast on it’s saand,
What’s rotten I’ll throw into t’ street.
Wern’t it gooid to lig theer to be faand?
Naa boath on us can have a treat.
“So he wip’d it an’ rubb’d it, an’ then
Said, “Billy, thee bite off a bit;
If tha hasn’t been lucky thisen,
Tha sal share wi’ me sich as I get.”
So t’ little un bate off a touch,(5)
T’ other’s face beam’d wi’ pleasure all through,
An’ he said, “Nay, tha hasn’t taen mich,
Bite agean, an’ bite bigger, naa do.”
I waited to hear nowt no more;
Thinks I, there’s a lesson for me;
Tha’s a heart i’ thy breast, if tha’rt poor;
T’ world were richer wi’ more sich as thee.
So I said, “Lad, here’s twopence for thee,
For thisen.” An’ they star’d like two geese;
Bud he said, whol t’ tear stood in his ee,
“Naa, it’ll just be a penny apiece.”
“God bless thee! do just as tha will,
An’ may better days speedily come;
Though clamm’d(6) an’ hauf donn’d,(7) my lad, still
Tha’rt a deal nearer Heaven nor(8) some.”
1. Late. 2. Dressed. 3. Without. 4. Picked.5. Small piece. 6. Starved 7. Dressed 8. Than
August 1st, Yorkshire Day
“At last by t’ side o’t’ bank they stopp’d,
Where Wharfe runs murmurin’ clear,
A beautiful river breet an’ fine,
As onny in wide Yorkshire.”