Uncle Nolli’s Astro-Tarot-Feng Shui Horoscopes

This week:

ARIES 21 March-2O April
Fruit looks set to play a key part in your week, and so does a 60-watt, mini-candelabra-style, screw-in light bulb.
It’s all the fault of Neptune, the planet of healthy living, rising in Aquarius, the sign of irritatingly hard-to-find household goods.

Lucky Pasta Sauce: Red Pesto

The World of Stanley Unwin


“Hi ho
and a jolly welcode
to all you surfwide’n interwebber lopers.
Here beholdy manifold things
Stanley Unwinmost
– all deep joy
and thorkus
for great laugh’n tittery.

O yes.”

Stanley Unwin.
The man who inspired John Prescott to be the great orator that he is today.

In this clip we hear New Labour’s Devolution plans explained:


Shanghai Triad


Shanghai, 1930. Mr. TANG (Li Boatian), the godfather chief of the Tang family-run underground Green dynasty, is the city’s overlord. Having allied himself with Chiang Kai-shek and participated in the 1927 massacre of the Communists, he controls the opium and prostitution trade. He has also acquired the services of XIAO JINBAO (Gong Li), the most beautiful prostitute-singer in Shanghai.

A mobster movie that focuses on the evil of criminals, instead of their coolness.

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Sympathy, love and care (1952):

A baby gets a most precious sense of security when cradled in his mother’s arms.

Encouraging children to love animals and sympathize with others helps to develop healthy emotions.”

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`York in Daffodil Time’, BR poster, 1950.

Poster produced for British Railways (BR) to promote rail travel to York. The poster shows a picturesque view of York with a slope full of daffodils in the foreground and the minster in the distance.

Xinhua – English


From the page:

“Pan Yuliang, renowned for her own model, self-portraits and bathing women, who was condemned as “depraved” in the 1930-40 by conservative officals and art critics in China, now gains her reputation — a female pioneer painter of western painting.

Pan, originally named Zhang Yuliang, of Jiangsu Province origin, was born in Anhui Province in 1895.

Her parents both died when she was a child. When she was 14, her uncle sold her to a brothel. In 1916, a local customs officer, named Pan Zanhua, bought her out of the brothel.

Thus, she went with Pan to Shanghai to study, renaming herself as Pan Yuliang. In 1918, she passed the exams and entered Shanghai Art School to learn western painting from Wang Jiyuan.

After graduating from Shanghai Art School she went to France to study in Lyons and Paris, sponsored by Pan Zanhua. She was awarded the Roman scholarship due to her excellent achievement in 1925, which enabled her to take further study in the Roman Royal Art Academy in Italy, studying painting and sculpture.”

Pan Yuliang’s life story was dramatised in the film “A Soul Haunted by Painting” starring the delectable Gong Li.


“I might have preferred iron but bronze will do,” Thatcher said

Back in 1987 I was in the ‘Strangers Gallery’ of the House of Commons during Prime Ministers Questions and watched in awe as Maggie gave a barnstorming performance and wiped the floor with the hapless leader of the opposition, Neil Kinnock.

Whatever your opinions about Mrs Thatcher, and you either love her or loathe her, she was a great performer and a great parliamentarian.