From the site: “This is a mythical journey along a real but relatively ordinary road. Or maybe it is a real journey along a mythical road – I’m never quite sure.
It is a quest of sorts, ranging across history, mystery, the bizarre and the banal, starting in the middle of nowhere, and ending somewhere that probably doesn’t exist. In between – the ordinary and the extraordinary, which often turn out to be the same thing.”
Update 2022: Back in 2005 I didn’t realise that hot linking is bad, probably because I didn’t host a website myself. My web hosting company blocks hot linking to image files as standard.
I like Master-Li because he is local and he knows what happened to all those missing neutrinos.
Update2022: I really liked Master-Li and his sense of humour. I think he transferred to tumblr but I lost track of hime a long time ago. Here’s an archived screen grab of his stumble site:
Update 2022: The original link was to a flash game where you could make music but I can’t track down a copy on the web, which is a shame as it was fun.
So the nearest I can do is provide a link to the rootkush syndicate’s site on soundcloud.
Go England! Spectators grab any vantage point possible, England v Australia, The Oval, September 12, 2005
Savour the moment. This has been the best test match series that I have ever seen. The tension, the anxiety have been intense, but to have beaten the best makes it all worthwhile.
The Australians have been magnificent adversaries, tenacious and determined they fought well and were magnanimous in defeat. I watched the third test in Amsterdam with a group of Aussies and there was no animosity just a shared passion for the game of cricket and what it stands for.
They shall grow not old, As we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, Nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun And in the morning We will remember
Appealing to to the lowest common denominator. What about Russian and French nuclear weapons? Are you going to stop buying their goods too?
– Luckily this “hate site” is no longer working (Oct 2006)
Update 2022: Interesting to note how perceptions of China have changed since 2005. Back then China was very much in its ‘bide your time, hide your strength’ phase. Nowadays however, with the c current core-leadership this is no longer true and the wolf warriors are more to the fore.
To be honest it is very difficult to find information that is balanced on this matter. Rana Mitter writes some good stuff that makes sense though. I’d recommend you start with him.
For nice pics of China and other stuff check out the China category.
“Pandorabots is an experimental software robot hosting service based… “
I love the concept and admire the hard work, but these bots have a long way to go before they can pass the Turing test.
The news section is regularly updated (monthly), with news about commercial chatbots for major players such as AOL as well as providing tools for the open source community
Update 2022: well the chatbots have evolved and nice to see that the company is still operational. They have added voice recognition which is a nice touch but I’m still waiting for one to pass that elusive Turing Test. Perhaps if they name one Wintermute?
From the page: “In a damning blow to the UK government’s love affair with identity cards, a British criminologist has warned that the new technology could actually increase, rather than solve, the problem of identity theft and fraud.”
Update 2022: Unlike ID cards Identity theft didn’t disappear but got worse
“Control our Junk” like this web truck for example…
From the site: “Can’t afford really cool toys and gadgets?
We strive to create unique and new things that the user can control at home from a standard desktop PC… control trains, drive RC cars, fire off fireworks, turn on and off lights, and control many more toys right from your computer!
We are 3 brothers who live in Michigan, USA. We build these wonderful things in our basement, which is a giant place that nothing is occupying currently.”
Great idea, but the web site has a few errors.
Update 2022: the site seems to have died sometime in 2008, it was part of a wider network web which in turn died in September 2013 it also points to a Twitter Page where there is some activity.
“Each of the animated sequences above was a test, an experiment to see what we could accomplish with the resources available.
Each one took a small step beyond the previous attempt that, when seen one at a time, look relatively insignificant, but by step 8, you’re already about a leap beyond where you started.
To explain further, we’ve put a little about each of the animated sequences underneath the live sample. Enjoy”
Update 2022 : site dropped off the web sometime in 2008 I think , this was the only animation I could salvage:
A jubilant Asley Giles scores the winning runs in the 4th test match at Trent Bridge.
BTW – I’m really pleased that I uploaded this pic at 6:16pm and then saw it again in all the newspapers the next day. It’s official you saw it here first! 😉
From the page: “Probably the best statistical graphic ever drawn, this map by Charles Joseph Minard portrays the losses suffered by Napoleon’s army in the Russian campaign of 1812.
Beginning at the Polish-Russian border, the thick band shows the size of the army at each position. The path of Napoleon’s retreat from Moscow in the bitterly cold winter is depicted by the dark lower band, which is tied to temperature and time scales.”
Update: 2022 – this site has stayed online and intact – which is great. For more info on Tufte check out his wikipedia page. This is just one of the many interesting links I recorded via stumbleupon.
Update 2022: couldn’t find the original link on but glad to see the site is still going strong so I randomly linked something I found amusing:
“According to reports from Reuters, the IRA killed almost 1,800 people… 600 civilians also died at the hands of the IRA, mostly Catholics. Many of the civilians were deliberately killed,…”
and what were our American allies doing during this? They were complicit by allowing Noraid to solicit funds using the catchphrase:
“Give a dollar, buy a bullet, kill a British soldier” Sept 2nd – Excellent production BTW
fUSION Anomaly. – Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? – this novel by Philip K Dick was the basis of the film Bladerunner.
Update 2022: the site is still online which is great but does look rather dated now. I did notice that the copyright (copyleft) notice said 1997 – 2021. Over twenty years on line is an achievement.
This Ireland and the UK cartoon is no longer available – I’ve tried to locate other copies – but no luck.
No longer available
Hilarious, the 10 greatest things about Britain as seen from the Irish perspective. I am pleased to report that I made it to the Number One slot. Better than that pile of pants the BBC’s ‘Greatest Britons’