Polish lawmakers don Guy Fawkes masks to protest ACTA

Dear Sir,*
I for one am disgusted .
How dare these elected officials stand-up for democracy and due process. It is repugnant and perverse in the extreme.
The unelected cabals met, the money was paid, the deal was done. It is high time that these SERVANTS learned their place and do as they are told.
Free speech?  Europe’s economy is in the toilet and this shower stand-up for free speech? Where is the profit in that? No profit, no taxes. Work it out, retards!
It makes my skin crawl to think of these be-suited thieves standing up for the people’s right to make duplicates of what they have bought. If people don’t buy the same thing four times, where is the profit?
ACTA is a just and righteous law that will enshrine and protect the profits of hard-working and innovative executives. Without whose companies you will have nothing. Learn on which side your bread is buttered.
Copying is theft. Moving that file onto your HDD is theft. Nothing less. You should be in jail. Each copy of a file costs a starving artist their next meal, you heartless bastard. I hope you can sleep at night with the suffering you cause.
ACTA for profit!
ACTA for jobs!
ACTA for life!


Tunbridge Wells

* This message brought to you by  Illuminati Industries Inc.

Overland Odyssey to the Orient – The Prologue

The Prologue

The cliche that a journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step is misleading. Before I took that first step on my 5,150 mile journey* I felt like I had run a marathon.  The list of tasks to be completed seemed endless at first. Obtaining a CELTA qualification and quitting my awful job was the easy part. Sorting through a lifetime’s accumulation of bits and pieces and miscellaneous crap, throwing away what was not required and putting the rest into storage was hard. Everything had to be moved, as much as possible was recycled.  The St Gemma’s Hospice and St George’s Crypt charity shops both accepted a lot of my stuff hopefully, they will make some money from them.

Getting my house into a good condition where it could be rented out was even harder.  Planning my journey was fun but getting the tickets and visas was less so.

A Citycabs black and white taxi

Before I left I managed to fit in a day at Headingley to watch a county cricket match between Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire with Percy, Chris and Cousin Martin.  Yorkshire had a bad day at the crease but went on to win the match. A sunny day , the sound of leather on willow, good company, good food and plenty of ale – life doesn’t get much better than this.
The last few days were hectic but on August 7th at 13:00 British Summer Time I found myself standing outside my house waiting for a taxi that would take me on the first part of my journey.
* That’s as the crow flies the actual distance travelled was much greater.

Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori

Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,
Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,
Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs,
And towards our distant rest began to trudge.
Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots,
But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;
Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots
Of gas-shells dropping softly behind.

Gas! GAS! Quick, boys!—An ecstasy of fumbling
Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time,
But someone still was yelling out and stumbling
And flound’ring like a man in fire or lime.—
Dim through the misty panes and thick green light,
As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.

In all my dreams before my helpless sight,
He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.

If in some smothering dreams, you too could pace
Behind the wagon that we flung him in,
And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,
His hanging face, like a devil’s sick of sin;
If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,—
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori.

Wilfred Owen
8 October 1917 – March, 1918

A shrine to war poet hero Wilfred Owen

from The Daily Telepgraph

The forester’s house in which Wilfred Owen took refuge hours before he was killed in 1918 has been re-built in his honour.

1605 vs 2011

Gunpowder Plot 1605

“A brief account of that bloudy & subtle Design laid against the King, his Lords and Commons in Parliament, and of a Happy Deliverance by Divine Power.”

Real IRA Plot 2011

The planting of bombs and buying guns is an example of plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose, although the sentences for those arrested are now much less severe:

The plotters were hung, drawn and quartered and their heads displayed in Westminster

A Google news search for ‘terrorist plot’ gathered 2,110 results. In  2011 the alledged  perpetrators of terrorism are:

an ex-Soviet officer in Columbia, the ‘Real’ IRA, various Islamist conspiracies, two Swedes found to be innocent, Iran & the USA making accusations and counter-accusations … and the list goes on.


To Autumn

Ode to Autumn

“Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run;
To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For Summer has o’er-brimm’d their clammy cells”

John Keats

For random recitiations from real-life read Renrut’s World – Gallery 7

  The mark of truth, as guaranteed by Mr Rut himself.

Gallery seven featuring:

Shit God
A tale of parental betrayal foreshadowed by the apparition of a fecal-deity.

This has to be one of my favourite cartoon sites on the web and I have been reading it for years now. Mr Rut and I  have visited many of the same places and have had lots of adventures often with similar events and themes.


À la recherche du temps perdu…

"Warning: may contain trace levels of sarcasm"

'They were born and then they lived and then they died, seems so unfair I want to cry.'

Stumbleupon Groups were great places that were first crippled then killed off by the cruel alien  overlords that run the StumbleUpon Empire.

I started and ran three of them: China, Second Life and Sock Puppets.

Today, I has mostly been eating…

煎饼果子 (jian1 bing3 guo3zi)

With quite a long history, “jian bing guo zi” is something quite unique to Tianjin. It is a kind of Chinese pancake that is usually sold as a fast breakfast food on the streets. “Guo zi” refers to the deep-fried dough sticks made in some places in northern China. Prepared on stalls on the street it comes with a variety of garnishes and relishes – very tasty.

They cost 4RMB.

for the longer HD youtube version click here:


How to drink vodka…


“Russian starters, or zakusky, include pickled and fresh vegetables, baked potatoes, bread, cheese, salted fish and other readily available snacks suitable to accompany the shots of vodka.”

Russian Vodka With Onion, Garlic, Bread and Pickled Cucumbers


Russian Vodka With Bread, Herring, Baked Potatoes, Onions and Pickled Cucumbers

Chipping Norton Invitation Aunt Sally League


Aunt Sally is a traditional Cotswolds/Oxfordshire summer game, still played in many pubs in the area.

The dolly (a 10cm high ball or skittle) is placed on a metal spike normally around 3 foot tall. Players (typically two teams of 6) take it in turns to throw 6 sticks at the dolly. The aim is to knock the dolly off the spike, without hitting the spike.

It is a fun way to spend a lunchtime or an evening outside at a pub, as you discover just how hard it is! Well worth trying if you’re in a pub with a court.

The game of Aunt Sally goes back at least as far as the 17th Century. It may have been introduced by Royalist soldiers during the English Civil War when Charles set up court in Oxford.

beer and skittles
Modern rules of play

Two teams of eight players throw six sticks each per leg. The game is played over three legs. The largest number of dolls scored per team wins each leg. If there is a tie in the decisive leg, each team can throw three sticks and then one until there is a decisive result. In the league system, however these days legs can be tied, with two points being awarded for a leg win and one for a draw. If a player fails to score in a leg, it is called a blob with the ultimate embarrassment of a three blob game often being published in the local newspapers sports section. It is a custom that the winner of the fourth (beer) leg is bought a drink of their choice by a member of the opposing team.

Fire! , 着火了!, огонь!

Luckily, we didn't die in our beds

As I was surfing the web last night I casually asked my wife if she could smell burning plastic. She said she could and said she thought it might be coming from the bathroom. I looked in and light wisps of smoke were curling around the ceiling light, the source was a light switch. I warned her quickly and ran pell-mell down the stairs to alert the block warden and grab a fire extinguisher. When I returned there were flames that were starting to lick at the plastic ceiling. I had caught the fire just in time.

The good news is that we put it out quickly, nobody was hurt and no real damage was done but those powder fire extinguishers cause a dreadful mess and we were without power for a while. The most worrying thing is the ‘What if?’ questions – what if it had caught fire at 4:00am?

Header pictures

So far I’ve added seven ‘Header Pictures’ all taken by me on my travels:

International Test Match Cricket at Headingley Cricket Ground, Leeds, Yorkshire, England.

Yurts at Buuveit Camp, Terelji National Park, Mongolia.

The Vltava (Moldau) River in Prague, Czech Republic.

A tugboat on the Angara River, Irkutsk, Russia

Train number 362 from Irkutsk to Ulan Bator

County Donegal, Ireland

Zhongshan Park, Qingdao, Shandong, China


Life after the Stumble Button


The StumbleUpon blog has been exported and uploaded, tweaking is occuring, friends, followers and fans are being notified. Groups are being archived, screenshots taken.
This flurry of activity is due to the developers of Stumbleupon deciding to stab their loyal userbase in the back and remove all the blogging features on SU like photoblogging, using html and being able to post single ‘blog posts’ i.e. all the bits that made it fun.

I will continue to use the SU messaging features to keep in contact with some of the many friends I have made during the last seven years.

Let’s hope that things get better from now on, update your bookmarks.

Account Changes FAQ


“Member since Jul 31, 2004.”


So this is it.

The End.

The finish – they think it’s all over.

It is now.

My Stumbleupon toolbar has been deleted – maybe I’ll add a last farewell before SU goes dark on October 24th.

“One day goodbye will be farewell,
So grab me while we still have the time…”

P.S. :

Marc Leibowitz, Stumble Upon’s vice president of marketing and business development explains:

“We’re talking about a small, albeit passionate, group of users that were using these bells and whistles…
it was costing us time to maintain these things

The Battle of Britain – Home Page


Battle of Britain Day – September 15th

From the (original) page:
Even though it appeared that Fighter Command was getting the upper hand, the experience of flying in battle was playing on the minds of they young pilots as one father stated:

He (son) wondered just how much longer he could take it. Each day someone fails to return, often another empty seat at the table. He was relieved when often they would turn up, apparently they had safely baled out, or injured in a crash landing. But many died horrific deaths, slowly burnt alive being trapped in their cockpits. He thought that he would rather have died instantly, or went in nose first into the ground rather than being burned alive.
He was a changed lad, time took care of that taking him from a young man with a bright future before the war to a man that seemed full of hatred, he said that he felt as if he was a human killing machine and said that if he ever dies, then put on his headstone “Here Lies Another Human Killing Machine”.
On leave he could not sleep, or he would scream out in the night. How he died we will never know, he went out on a mission, and never came back, and that’s the sad part, we do not even have a grave where we know that he is at last resting in peace.

Edited: January 2018 to reflect changes at the RAF site


Pastafarian wins religious freedom right to wear pasta strainer for driving licence - Telegraph
Source: Daily Telegraph

A Pastafarian wins religious freedom right to wear pasta strainer for driving licence – Telegraph


“An Austrian has won the right to be photographed wearing a pasta strainer for his driving licence on grounds of religious freedom. “

From the comments section:

“I’m a Frisbeetarian. I believe that when you die your soul goes up on the garage roof and gets stuck.”

Learn more about Pastafarianism and the Flying spaghetti monster here