take an old door…disassemble itcut to sizeAssemble the framePlace the frame
Prepare the soil
Double dig the soil and remove stones, roots and weedsGet two wheelbarrow loads of sand and grit for drainageRhubarb likes well drained soil so mix in the sand thoroughlyAdd 150 litres of multi-purpose compostPlant the rhubarb crowns so the tips are just above the soilMulch with wood chips and bark
Rhubarb prefers a sunny site and should not be harvested in the first year. Three crowns should be enough to feed a family. Once mature the crowns can be split to provide new healthy plants.
Update: April 2nd 2020
‘Timperley Early’ is one of the earliest varieties to mature, producing pink-red stems streaked with green. It’s ideal for forcing to provide tender pink stems as early as February. If left to grow naturally, ‘Temperley Early’ is ready to harvest from March.
“A riparian owner is the person, or people, with watercourses on, next to or under their property.”
What are my responsibilities as a riparian owner?
To pass on water flow without obstruction, pollution or diversion that would affect the rights of others.
To maintain the banks and bed of the watercourse (including any trees and shrubs growing on the banks) and any flood defences that exist on it.
To maintain any approved structures on their stretch of the watercourse and keep them free of debris. These may include trash screens, culverts, weirs and mill gates.
Riparian Owners must not build new structures (for example a culvert, bridge or board walk) that encroach upon the watercourse, or alter the flow of water or prevent the free passage of fish
How do I maintain the watercourse?
a) Keep growth of vegetation (trees, weeds, reeds, grass etc) under control
b) Keep watercourses free of debris (e.g. litter, grass cuttings, and fallen trees and branches)
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