
TPS Registration

The Telephone Preference Service (TPS) is the UK’s only official ‘Do Not Call’ register http://www.tpsonline.org.uk/tps/ If you live in the…

20 years ago

aldozey’s reviews – StumbleUpon

Screenshot of aldozey's Stumbleupon blog http://aldozey.stumbleupon.com/ Wayback machine link: https://web.archive.org/web/20050829104133/http://aldozey.stumbleupon.com/ I can't understand why nobody hasn't reviewed al before. Plenty…

20 years ago

FrenchieBs favorite websites – StumbleUpon

http://frenchieb.stumbleupon.com/ Wayback machine link: https://web.archive.org/web/20050404003528/http://frenchieb.stumbleupon.com/ Thumbs up! Some excellent stumbles with balanced comments. Welcome aboard.

20 years ago

Stefan Landsbergers Chinese Propaganda Poster Pages

Yu Zhenli, We must grasp revolution and increase production, increase work, increase preparation for struggle, to do an even better job,…

20 years ago

Hymn to Lucifer

Le génie du mal by Guillaume Geefs, St. Paul's Cathedral, Liège, Belgium Ware, nor of good nor ill, what aim hath act?Without…

20 years ago

Tangshan – The Deadliest Earthquake

Earthquake memorial Tangshan, Hebei, China http://history1900s.about.com/od/horribledisasters/a/tangshan.htm Update: Has moved to thoughtco.com but the above links still works which is kinda…

20 years ago

DEC Disasters Emergency Committee

http://dec.org.uk/ Give, give, give! - don't be confused about the title this is for the tsunami appeal.

20 years ago

Home: UK National Statistics Publication Hub

http://www.statistics.gov.uk/ Did you know that there are 390,000 Jedi Knights in the UK? It's official.

20 years ago

The Rockall Times:

http://www.therockalltimes.co.uk/2004/12/27/new-look-army.html Way back machine link: https://web.archive.org/web/20050328125933/http://www.therockalltimes.co.uk/2004/12/27/new-look-army.html What's Tony Blair done for the British Army? Answer - Rockall

20 years ago

The Smallfilms Treasury

http://www.smallfilms.co.uk/ Noggin the Nog,Ivor the Engine, Bagpuss, The Clangers, The Pogles, Pingwings Oliver Postgate and Peter Firmin produced some of…

20 years ago

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

20 years ago

iCasualties – Iraq Coalition Casualty Count

http://icasualties.org/ There is something cold about a site that gives graphs and charts knowing that each point on each graph…

20 years ago

TomPaine.com – Laughing Dragon, Dancing Bear

http://www.tompaine.com/articles/laughing_dragon_dancing_bear.php Wayback machine link: http://www.tompaine.com/articles/laughing_dragon_dancing_bear.php Laughing Dragon, Dancing BearThe author, Ray McGovern began his 27-year career with the CIA as…

20 years ago

TomPaine.com – The Topic Should Be China

http://www.tompaine.com/articles/the_topic_should_be_china.php Wayback machine: http://www.tompaine.com/articles/the_topic_should_be_china.php The author,Robert B. Reich was the secretary of labor in the Clinton administration says...'As China's influence…

20 years ago

Amusing ovine animations

http://homepage.ntlworld.com/david.davies527/sheep/sheepimages/sheepindex.htm Amusing ovine animations and more. Link sadly broken beyond repair

20 years ago


http://gilgamesh.psnc.pl/ An epic tale from long, long ago.

20 years ago

Platticus-Maxs favorite websites – StumbleUpon

screenshot http://platticus-max.stumbleupon.com/ Way back machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20060103094637/http://platticus-max.stumbleupon.com/ Keep it coming - quality links as the lady said 'don't miss this one.'

20 years ago

Why this brain flies on rat cunning – Science – www.theage.com.au

http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2004/12/06/1102182227308.html?oneclick=true Sounds like science fiction or a wind up. A brain grown in a petri dish that can fly a…

20 years ago

Datalude Internet Security Hong kong

http://www.datalude.com/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=3&Itemid=27 Passwords can be either too easily cracked or too difficult to remember. This page from my friends at Datalude,…

20 years ago

The Cynics Sanctuary

http://www.i-cynic.com/ Update: I suspect that this site isn't updated often if at all "A Cynic is a spy who aims…

20 years ago

Robot the robot man baby cartoon

http://www.robottherobot.com/manbaby5/slideshows/b-animation2.htm I tried to restore this but it didn't work.... Catchy tune and good animation make this a very entertaining…

20 years ago

kb-ganeshs favorite websites – StumbleUpon

http://kb-ganesh.stumbleupon.com/ Wayback machine link: https://web.archive.org/web/20080917181934/http://kb-ganesh.stumbleupon.com/ Some very good links can be found here - thumbs up! *Stumbleupon is no longer…

20 years ago

The Times | UK News, World News and Opinion

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/section/0,,10349,00.html Update: Now behind a paywall A 'Who's who' for the UK and although it is not as extensive as…

20 years ago

Spank the Monkey | Online Games

http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/spankthemonkey.php Amusing interactive flash animation, see how fast you can spank him etc.

20 years ago

latons favorite websites – StumbleUpon

http://laton.stumbleupon.com/ Wayback machine link: https://web.archive.org/web/20071208161108/http://laton.stumbleupon.com/ loved the link to the mini golf - keep it coming

20 years ago

Online calculator converting feet inches and fractions of inch to metres or meters mm cm and km

http://www.simetric.co.uk/feet_to_metres.php Useful for those of us who live halfway between Metric and Imperial worlds

20 years ago

Dictionary of Difficult Words

http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/dictionaries/difficultwords/ Update: Site no longer functions - no way back machine link as it wasn't good anyway Pretty sure this…

20 years ago

The Black watch in Iraq

http://www.theblackwatch.co.uk/mediacentre/2003/iraq/fieldops/ Content no longer available - probably gone for a re-brand rather than write about an unpopular war A well…

20 years ago

args favorite websites – StumbleUpon

http://arg.stumbleupon.com/ Wayback machine link: https://web.archive.org/web/20081010045026/http://arg.stumbleupon.com/ Seeing those politicians in drag was a hoot! Keep it coming!

20 years ago

The Black Watch – Royal Highland Regiment

http://www.theblackwatch.co.uk/ 'Watch and Pray' - The motto of the Black Watch Regiment has never been more appropriate.Whatever your views about…

20 years ago

ebaum’s world:Funny Videos, Funny Pictures, Flash Games, Jokes

http://www.ebaumsworld.com/roadblock.html Nice game if you like spatial / logic puzzles. Unfortunately no longer available but there's still plenty of vintage…

20 years ago

The Rockall Times

It made me laugh http://www.therockalltimes.co.uk/2004/11/01/bin-laden-video.html (Another site that's no longer active but the archive.org link should work) This made me…

20 years ago

Latest news, comment and reviews from the Guardian | guardian.co.uk

http://www.guardian.co.uk/ Thumbs down for the Guardians idiotic email campaign to influence the recent US election. The Guardian has been referred…

20 years ago

China Study Group

http://chinastudygroup.org/ Wayback machine link: https://web.archive.org/web/20040927084608/http://www.chinastudygroup.org/ more news about the world's most populous country

20 years ago

NCM – The National Coal Mining Museum for England

well worth a visit:online or in person http://www.ncm.org.uk/ The National Coal Mining Museum is inbetween Wakefield and Huddersfield in Yorkshire,…

20 years ago

virtualbloodhouns reviews – StumbleUpon

http://virtualbloodhoun.stumbleupon.com/ Wayback machine link: https://web.archive.org/web/20050214032940/http://virtualbloodhoun.stumbleupon.com/ Love the Churchill pic - did you know the Nazis used this pic in their…

20 years ago

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Obituary: John Peel

John Peel (30 August 1939 – 25 October 2004) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/music/3955369.stm John Peel was responsible for bringing the best in music…

20 years ago

Global Rich List – are you in the top 1%?

http://www.globalrichlist.com/ Found a site that does the same thing: https://howrichami.givingwhatwecan.org/how-rich-am-i <s>At last I'm in the top 1% for something! </s>

20 years ago

The Constitutional Monarchy Association

http://www.monarchy.net/ God save the Queen! - the case for monarchy

20 years ago

Le Plan de Rome

http://www.unicaen.fr/rome/index.php?langue=anglais Very much a work in progress but some of the images are good - the Curia for example. It…

20 years ago

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