Updated 2021

Dalek – some empathy

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalek Like the Daleks I sometimes just want to 'Exterminate!' Complete destruction in ten rells

20 years ago

Fractal Dome Virtual Exhibition Hal

http://www.fractal-dome.de/e3dg5.shtml https://web.archive.org/web/20050407140746/http://www.fractal-dome.de/eindex.shtml Updated 2021 From the site: Making ofThe Fractal-Dome logo was created with a special ray-tracing program. The logo…

20 years ago

Are you good or evil?

http://quizilla.com/cgi-bin/result/result.plhttp://quizilla.com/users/daddysgirl/quizzes/Where%20Did%20Your%20Soul%20Originate%3F Update Can't find the original so here's something approximately the same: https://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=are-you-good-evil "You come from Heaven. You're the purest…

20 years ago

Mass Destruction – Faithless

http://faithless.jopinion.nl/images/OOR/002a.jpg This week I is mostly listening to... https://youtu.be/uzgBD2wysuI Mass Destruction - Faithless Whether long range weapon or suicide bomberWicked…

20 years ago

FreqWizs reviews – StumbleUpon

I also ran into FreqWiz in SecondLife which was a nice surprise http://freqwiz.stumbleupon.com/ Wayback machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20051104043017/http://freqwiz.stumbleupon.com/ "...even though what you…

20 years ago

‘Gorgeous’ George Galloway

http://www.680news.com/news/international/article.jsp?content=w051785A Update: Link expired so here's the actual footage: https://youtu.be/QVdYp2GDC-4 'Gorgeous' George Galloway is a man with whom I do…

20 years ago

Daleks are not for kids?

Too scary apparently http://www.megastar.co.uk/world/news/2005/05/16/sMEG01MTExNjI0MDM3MjI.html 'Exterminate! Oh why do I bother?'The nanny state is wagging its finger again - this time…

20 years ago

Phreaks favorite websites – StumbleUpon

http://phreak.stumbleupon.com/ All those people, all those lives where are they now? https://web.archive.org/web/20050404174746/http://phreak.stumbleupon.com/ Phreaks reviewed sites made me laugh outloud -…

20 years ago

Indian Railways and London Underground signs

http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/documentaries/images/indian_rail15_gal.jpg a shared heritage: Indian Railways & London Underground https://indianexpress.com/article/india/from-diamond-shape-to-oval-railway-station-signages-get-a-makeover-4501461/ From the site: "THE ROUNDEL, or the diamond-shaped signs at…

20 years ago

Olivers Army by Elvis Costello

https://youtu.be/LrjHz5hrupA Olivers Army by Elvis Costello http://www.phantomfm.com/phanzine/images/armed%20forces.gif Oliver's Army by Elvis Costello Don't start me talkingI could talk all nightMy…

20 years ago

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