Old Bailey Online – The Proceedings of the Old Bailey, 1674-1913 – Central Criminal Court
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William Hale. Theft: shoplifting.
8th July 1719
William Hale of St. Clements Danes was indicted for feloniously stealing 15 pair of Worsted Hose, value 40 s. out of the Shop of Thomas Rock the 23d of May last.
The Prosecutor deposed he lost a Board of Hose out of his Shop Window; and his Neighbour who lives right against him deposed, that he saw the Prisoner get up and look three times through the Grate, and when he saw the Shop clear, he reach’d over the Grate and took the Goods, whereupon he secur’d him. The Prisoner pleaded that he was Drunk, and lay down there; that he did not take the Goods; but that the Evidence took him and carry’d him into the Shop with the Goods. But that poor Defence did not avail him the Evidence being positive, the Jury found him Guilty .
Sentence: Death .
Death sentence for shoplifting… a tad harsh methinks.